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Hot Air Balloon

English: A hot air balloon in flight at the Mi...

Don’t you sometimes feel like you’re in a hot air balloon that’s not lifting up?  You need to blow fire into the balloon to create the hot air, that then makes the balloon rise…  It’s the same with our walk with God.  You need to allow the Holy spirit in your life for your spirit to lift (light up).  And always trust in God to keep you safe, because when you’re in the air and you decide to jump out… it’s a long way down and it’s hard to get back in…  (you can but it’s harder)…


Just a little something I got from God tonight at our prayer group and I wanted to share it with you all.  I trust this will help someone 🙂


Be Blessed and remember not to look down 🙂


Categories: Daily Post's
  1. June 13, 2012 at 15:00

    Agree, we all must say “Come Holy Spirit.” Yet we also must allow God’s pruning, “cut some of the weight” that pulls us to earthly desires, which is the ballasts we must cast over the side to lighten the load.
    Shine on,

    • June 13, 2012 at 15:42

      Amen Christopher. Thanks for your comment

      Be Blessed

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